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Grant Digest: Traffic, Safety, and Security Funding 2024

This post was updated in August 2024.

Ask any agency how they were able to afford their ALPR...

Meet Stephanie Pluchino, Northeast Operations Manager

What makes Leonardo really stand out? Aside from our cutting-edge technology: the people on our...

ALPR: The Parking Solution You May Not Have Thought About

It's natural to associate automatic license plate readers with law enforcement agencies. After all,...

[Free Guide] Making the Case for ALPR at Small to Midsize Agencies

Every year, automated license plate recognition technology gets more sophisticated and more...

Meet Bart Blair, Field Operations Manager, Parking

Among the many clients Leonardo serves in the ALPR business, parking management is a huge one. From...

Meet Jim Craige, Field Operations Manager

If you already know Jim Craige, you'd probably say he's an exceptional salesperson and...

Netflix's 'Unbelievable' Proves the Power of ALPR Systems

True crime stories that demonstrate the power and need for license plate readers are in the news...

5 Key Ways To Reduce Vehicle-Related Crimes With ALPR Technology

The FBI reported that in 2018, a motor vehicle was stolen every 42.2 seconds in the United States....

ALPR Success Story: NYPD Captures Suspect in the Hanukkah Stabbings

You have no doubt heard the disturbing story of a man breaking into Rabbi Chaim Rottenberg's home...